Your Body

Water is the main component of your blood. 70% of your total weight is from water.

What does water do in your body?

Your body uses water to cool & cleanse itself. Water is necessary to maintain a proper chemical balance. It regulates body temperature. Think of antifreeze (coolant) in your vehicle. What would happen if you were driving and ran out of coolant? It would would not be good news for your vehicle…

How does your body loose water?

Water is lost through perspiration, breathing and body waste. The loss of 20% of your body’s water could be fatal!

How much should you drink?

A general guideline is 8 cups per day. Your urine should be pale most of the time. Don’t use thirst as a signal for replenishing water. That’s like waiting for the thermostat control indicator in your car to hit the “hot” mark.

Do other liquids count as “water”?

Other than herbal teas and other grain beverages, most drinks contain sugar, additives or some kind of stimulant. You don’t want to be saturating your body with all these extra, unwelcome ingredients that end up taxing your metabolic system. While you may feel like you’re satisfying your thirst, you are straining your liver, kidneys and nervous system. Caffeine & alcohol are diuretics which actually deplete the water from your body. If you do consume these drinks, it’s a good idea to have a glass of water on the go at the same time.

What happens if you don’t drink enough water?

Every cell in your body needs water to function properly. And every single cell has a very important job to do. Your kidneys have to work a lot harder to excrete toxic wastes. And considering all the toxins in our foods, body care products and, not to mention the air we breathe, we’ve got to help out our kidneys as much as possible. Fatigue & headaches are two common symptoms of dehydration.