Chocolate has the following health benefits if it has a minimum of 70% cocoa content:
- The Cocoa Bean contains 45-53.2% fatty acids in the form of cocoa butter
- 10% antioxidants
- 1-3% alkaloids that stimulate the central nervous system
- minerals like potassium, magnesium, calcium & iron
*So far, there is no proof that chocolate or cocoa causes migraines
Carob is naturally sweet and lower in fat than cocoa and a great alternative:
- in most recipes, cocoa powder can be replaced with carob powder one for one, but you should reduce the amount of sweetener in the recipe by 2 tbsp for each 1/2 cupĀ of carob used and increase the healthy fat by the same amount
- set your oven 25F lower than if baking chocolate as carob burns more easily
- carob works best when baked with moist fruits and veggies as it has a dry texture
- make sure you buy carob chips that contain non-hydrogenated palm oil
- store carob powder in an airtight container in a cool, dry place