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So far Linda has created 65 blog entries.

The Truth About Cancer – Part 1

I started watching this 9 part series by Ty Bollinger and found it to be incredibly informative about the whole cancer business.  Back in 1998, a friend of mine expressed her opinion that the government really didn't want to find a cure for cancer.  I thought that was insane!  What do you mean they don't want to find a cure for this terrible disease that is devastating so many lives?  It made no sense that all the money going into research every year was not dedicated to finding some miracle cure.  How naive I was...  But my friend's statement had planted a seed in the back of my mind that got me thinking, questioning and learning about cancer, illnesses in general and the body's amazing [...]

By |2017-06-13T18:50:37-07:00June 13th, 2017|Diseases, Food, Miscellaneous, Politics|0 Comments

Health Care or Disease Management?

Join the Food Revolution! To reiterate what John Robbins & Ocean Robbins already stated on "The Food Revolution Network" website, our society now revolves around disease management, not Health Care.  But we can change that! There's a steady shift that is slowly but surely taking place in our world today. All you have to do is take over the driver's seat of your two-legged vehicle! On your own, you can maintain or reclaim your health which will provide you with quality of life. And collectively, choosing healthy foods over drugs will create the changes that need to take place on a global scale. We can create our own health care!  Don't be discouraged because you have NOTHING to lose except your health! Who do You [...]

Plant-Based Doctors: Modern Medicine

Love Your Heart! Your beating heart is the difference between being alive on this planet or becoming dust in the wind! If you have a healthy beating heart, then you likely also have a functioning brain. Don't waste it! Old-school beliefs were to trust your Family Doctor with your life. Well, times have changed because we now have Plant-Based Doctors! The technological advances of the past century were mind-boggling. And a lot of it was not necessarily good. The invention of chemical drugs was seen as a miracle cure for so many sick people. The focus of Doctor's training became all about drugs. And now, look at our world... Are we any healthier? Our Guts Love Plants Close studies of the human intestinal system show [...]

By |2019-02-14T15:34:04-08:00April 19th, 2017|Food, Health Care Services, Nutritionists, Planetary Health|0 Comments

Eating Contests: Your Body is Your Temple!

Avoid Eating Contests! Every year, people die during eating contests. Whether it's from eating too many hot dogs or drinking too much water, people DIE! Find out more about Eating Contest Dangers. Clearly, all those involved think that our bodies are nothing more than trash cans with 2 legs. The human body, as resilient as it is (and usually taken for granted) is still a working machine. It needs proper care for proper functioning.  Force-feeding yourself at breakneck speed is only asking for trouble. Would you treat your vehicle that way by overfilling it with gas, antifreeze & oils? People treat their vehicles better than their own bodies! Fast Foods are like a Placebo The convenience of fast food has replaced the Nutrients in whole foods. [...]

By |2019-02-14T18:37:11-08:00April 5th, 2017|Food, Miscellaneous|0 Comments

Earth Month

April is "Earth Month"! April 20 - 26 is Earth Week & April 22nd is Earth Day! And for those of us living in colder, northern regions of the planet, April is the first full month of spring.  The snow has melted (or is melting), bulbs are sprouting out of the ground and blooming, buds are showing up on shrubs and trees.  It's a time of rebirth filled with hope and anticipation after a long cold winter. But we cannot take these things for granted anymore.  Modern civilisation, growing populations, industry & waste have all taken their toll on our planet, which is why we dedicate this month to pay special recognition to the planet that sustains us.  So, during this month, every year, think [...]

By |2017-04-05T17:37:14-07:00April 5th, 2017|April, Miscellaneous, Monthly Info., Planetary Health|0 Comments

Lake Country Farmers Market

Open from beginning of June to the end of September! Swalwell Park 10090 Bottom Wood Lake Road Fridays from 3:00pm to 7:00pm   We are a small vibrant market located in a grassy area in Swalwell Park beside the water park.  A variety of vendors that sell fruits, vegetables, eggs, crafts, sewing, art, plants, flowers, food, etc., for all your local shopping needs. All products are baked, grown or handmade by the vendors. Come out and support your local community market. Source: Home - Lake Country Farmers Market-Lake Country, BC

By |2017-03-31T22:54:14-07:00March 31st, 2017|Markets, Okanagan, BC|Comments Off on Lake Country Farmers Market

Farmer’s Markets

Considering the poor quality of food available to us at grocery stores nowadays, it's all the more reason to shop at farmer's markets and buy local produce that hasn't had to travel thousands of miles to get here.  And unless you choose "Certified Organic" products, there's just no telling if a GMO seed was used to grow that crop, what type of soil a food was grown in, what type of fertilizer was applied to maximize growth, what pesticides were applied to the crop etc...  Not to mention if ethical labour practices were used to cultivate said crop.  So many things to consider that affect the nutritional value of the living foods we eat!  Are your food choices nourishing your body or making you sick?  [...]

By |2017-04-05T22:16:47-07:00March 31st, 2017|Markets, Okanagan, BC|0 Comments

Westbank Farmers Market

Every Saturday July 1 - September 16, 2017 9 am - 2 pm Located right in the Westridge Shopping Centre parking lot in the heart of Westbank, this can be a one-stop shopping experience! Convenient parking, easy access, stores nearby and lots to do and see, all within walking distance! The Westbank Farmers Market was established in 2010 and has quickly become the Summer hub of our community. Every Saturday morning from the first of July until mid-September we feature the best growers, bakers, crafters and artisans in our vibrant area who bring fresh produce and one-of-a-kind items for sale at terrific prices. Source: Westbank Farmers Market Home

By |2017-03-31T21:25:17-07:00March 30th, 2017|Food, Markets, Monthly Info., Okanagan, BC|Comments Off on Westbank Farmers Market

Kelowna Farmer’s and Crafter’s Market

Every Saturday & Wednesday - right across from Orchard Park Mall! Starting April 1 until fall 2017: 8 am - 1 pm   In the Fall until Springtime, you can still find the market at the Parkinson Rec Centre on Saturdays only Something for everyone!  Vegetables - Fruit - Vegetarian & Vegan Options - Eggs - Bread Pastries - Organic Meat - Wine - Artwork - Clothes and more! Our outdoor season starts April 1st. Come join us for our opening Day! Every Wednesday & Saturday from 8 am to 1 pm Located at the Corner of Dilworth Dr  & Springfield  Rd. Follow us on Facebook & Instagram.. Watch for Festivals and Events happening this year Source: Kelowna Farmer's and Crafter's Market

By |2017-03-31T21:22:28-07:00March 30th, 2017|Food, Markets, Monthly Info., Okanagan, BC|Comments Off on Kelowna Farmer’s and Crafter’s Market

Curcumin – Magic Relief for Inflammation!

Smokey - My Elderly Bunny My 13 year-old bunny Smokey started exhibiting signs of arthritis in the summer of 2015.  By the winter of 2016, the local vet prescribed "Apo-Meloxicam", an anti-inflammatory drug generally given to cats and dogs. Unfortunately, drug companies would rather use rabbits as guinea pigs to experiment on rather than creating drugs to ease their pain. That department is reserved for more common pets like cats, dogs & horses. I was told this drug might help but it had possible negative/deadly side effects (as is the case with all drugs for animals or people). After giving him this medication for several months, I could see no improvement in his condition. But I knew about curcumin as a natural, vegetarian, anti-inflammatory remedy that [...]

By |2019-02-15T14:14:41-08:00March 22nd, 2017|Animal Welfare, March, Miscellaneous, Monthly Info., Supplements|0 Comments
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