
Canada’s Food Guide

Phase 2 of Health Canada's project to update the Canada Food Guide has begun.  Did you even know there was a Phase 1 last fall?  I remember filling that one out and only know about this one because of a health-related newsletter I get in my inbox.  Only 20,000 Canadians participated in the last survey.  How many people live in Canada?  No doubt the lack of participation is the same thing that plagues any issue that requires voting (like government elections) and that's apathy; an unfortunate side-effect of democracy.  But I suspect another reason for lack of input from Canadians here is simply lack of communication.  I don't think most people were even aware that this is taking place.  Important projects like this that can [...]

By |2017-06-22T21:12:14-07:00June 22nd, 2017|Education, Food, Government, Miscellaneous|0 Comments

Health Care or Disease Management?

Join the Food Revolution! To reiterate what John Robbins & Ocean Robbins already stated on "The Food Revolution Network" website, our society now revolves around disease management, not Health Care.  But we can change that! There's a steady shift that is slowly but surely taking place in our world today. All you have to do is take over the driver's seat of your two-legged vehicle! On your own, you can maintain or reclaim your health which will provide you with quality of life. And collectively, choosing healthy foods over drugs will create the changes that need to take place on a global scale. We can create our own health care!  Don't be discouraged because you have NOTHING to lose except your health! Who do You [...]

The Human Experiment Movie Review (2015) | Roger Ebert

This is a no-frills documentary that interviews people who's medical conditions are believed to be directly related to the chemicals included in our everyday products, many of which are unregulated yet ever-present in our lives.   “The Human Experiment” starts out by sketching in the range of these phenomena via interviews with people who’ve had medical problems that are thought to be chemically related and doctors who’ve been studying them. The narrative soon enough turns to the economic and political forces behind the overall situation. Source: The Human Experiment Movie Review (2015) | Roger Ebert

By |2017-04-03T22:54:59-07:00June 22nd, 2016|Diseases, Education|0 Comments · The world’s platform for change

If you want to make a difference in this world with minimal effort, here's a site that allows you to stand up for what you believe in simply by signing a petition.  Or, if there is a cause you want to bring to the world's attention, start your own petition and help create CHANGE! is the world’s largest petition platform, using technology to empower more than 100 million users to create the change they want to see. Source: · The world’s platform for change

The Gut! The Gut! – Its All About The Gut!

  Check out this site by Daniel, "The Kimchi King", as he shares his knowledge and expertise about probiotics and gut health.  Very informative with tons of links if you are seeking more details.  Classes offered regularly in Kelowna, BC. "Optimizing food potential using natural microbes and energy free preservation techniques to promote gut & overall health".  Become aware of your microbiome as a new friend! Source: The Gut! The Gut! - Its All About The Gut!

By |2017-03-23T23:08:44-07:00May 24th, 2016|Diseases, Education, Food, Okanagan, BC|0 Comments

Complete Health Improvement Program (CHIP)

A wonderful program that should be as essential as a High School Certificate.  Everyone would benefit through longevity and quality of life! Hans Diehl, DrHSc, MPH, FACN, program founder and Clinical Professor of Preventative Medicine at Loma Linda University The Complete Health Improvement Program (CHIP) is a simple 30-day worldclass lifestyle education program where you can discover how to take charge of your health by making safe, simple, painless, and deliberate lifestyle choices. "[Our staff] have had incredible results measured by decreases in total cholesterol and LDL levels, decreases in...high blood pressure, reversal of Type 2 Diabetes and significant weight loss. People are reporting reduction of prescription drug usage in statins, high blood pressure meds and anti-depressants. Participants have also expressed improved energy levels, higher [...]

T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies

Are you interested in an education in the field of health and nutrition?  Or are you looking to further your knowledge to help yourself and others using information based on years of experiments and studies? You need to know the truth about food and why eating the right way can save your life T. Colin Campbell, PhD Co-Author of The China Study Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Biochemistry at Cornell University Dr. Campbell's expertise and scientific interests encompass relationships between diet and diseases, particularly the causation of cancer. He has focused on nutritional status and long term health. Surprisingly, Campbell started his life on a dairy farm, but is now widely-known for researching links between animal-based protein diets and disease. Food. Science. Health. Source: T. Colin [...]

By |2017-04-03T23:12:18-07:00May 18th, 2016|Diseases, Education, Food|0 Comments
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