
Functional Medicine: Looking for Root Causes

What is "Functional Medicine"? It's the most comprehensive type of health care! Why? Because the doctors who practice Functional Medicine treat each person as an individual. Forget about "one size fits all"! Whatever your condition, these Doctors will take the steps necessary to figure out the root cause of your problem. And once they find the cause(s), treatment will include dietary adjustments best suited for your genetic makeup. Since nutrition plays a big part in everyone's health, what can YOU do to help figure out your Ailment? Functional Medicine is a wonderful hybrid! Functional Medicine is Naturopathic medicine combined with the latest scientific research. But this is not a new concept; it was created by Jeffery Bland, M.D., in 1990. It is based on the theory that [...]

By |2019-02-15T12:15:44-08:00February 6th, 2018|Ailments, Diseases, Health Care Services, Lifestyle, Nutrients|0 Comments

The Truth About Cancer – Part 3

"Cancer-Killing Viruses, Cancer Stem Cells, GMO's, Juicing & Eating the Rainbow" To re-iterate the message from the previous 2 episodes, Chemotherapy & standard therapies have no effect on cancer stem cells, rather, the cancer just metastasizes and regrows stronger and more resistant against standard treatments. many natural products available from Mother Nature contain anti-cancer compounds that target cancer stem cells Turmeric Resveratrol Green Tea Catechins Berberin controls insulin Flavonols turn off inflammation & initiate apoptosis (the process where cancer cells commit suicide) they ONLY kill cancer cells while making our healthy cells stonger stop inflammation and you stop cancer Wheat Grass (4-8oz/day) Raw Vegetable/Fruit juicing: people have actually expelled tumours from their bodies after a 5 day juice fast: the juice starts working in your [...]

By |2017-06-23T21:10:12-07:00June 23rd, 2017|Diseases, Food, Miscellaneous, Politics|0 Comments

The Truth About Cancer – Part 1

I started watching this 9 part series by Ty Bollinger and found it to be incredibly informative about the whole cancer business.  Back in 1998, a friend of mine expressed her opinion that the government really didn't want to find a cure for cancer.  I thought that was insane!  What do you mean they don't want to find a cure for this terrible disease that is devastating so many lives?  It made no sense that all the money going into research every year was not dedicated to finding some miracle cure.  How naive I was...  But my friend's statement had planted a seed in the back of my mind that got me thinking, questioning and learning about cancer, illnesses in general and the body's amazing [...]

By |2017-06-13T18:50:37-07:00June 13th, 2017|Diseases, Food, Miscellaneous, Politics|0 Comments

The Human Experiment Movie Review (2015) | Roger Ebert

This is a no-frills documentary that interviews people who's medical conditions are believed to be directly related to the chemicals included in our everyday products, many of which are unregulated yet ever-present in our lives.   “The Human Experiment” starts out by sketching in the range of these phenomena via interviews with people who’ve had medical problems that are thought to be chemically related and doctors who’ve been studying them. The narrative soon enough turns to the economic and political forces behind the overall situation. Source: The Human Experiment Movie Review (2015) | Roger Ebert

By |2017-04-03T22:54:59-07:00June 22nd, 2016|Diseases, Education|0 Comments

Environmental Defence

A great Canadian site encompassing everything environmental, encouraging you to take part and make a difference for a better world for all. Defending clean water, a safe climate, and healthy communities: Environmental Defence is a group of innovative, passionate and determined problem-solvers who are making a difference.  We are policy experts, musicians, photographers and bloggers, supported by scientists, business leaders, lawyers and community members working hard to protect Canada’s environment and human health. Source: Home - Environmental Defence

By |2017-04-04T00:38:27-07:00May 16th, 2016|Planetary Health|0 Comments
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