The year 2020 has brought us turbulent times. Now, more than ever, you need to take charge of your health!

And you’ve come to the right place!

Unfortunately, this plandemic isn’t just a bump in the road. There is a long struggle ahead of us as we find ourselves under siege by those with all the money and power. It is quite apparent now, more than ever before, that organizations pretending to represent the protection of people’s health are executing their devious plans. By creating a society dependent on their disease-causing solutions, they can expand their customer base for exponential profit.

Without Health, Nothing Else Matters!

You know that when you’re sick, everything else ends up on the back-burner until you feel better. But your health has been taken hostage by “Health Authorities.” Their complete disregard for the human immune system is so blatant and transparent now, it is a true representation of the governments’ and organizations’ actual values and medical incompetence. Please read this Doctor’s letter to Bonnie Henry, providing factual information and questioning her motives: Letter-to-BC-Provincial-Health-2


Can your diet fix this? Whatever your health issue, the food you eat has A LOT to do with it. Illnesses are either caused by external invaders like viruses or are created by the ingestion of “bad” foods that contain foreign chemicals or excessive amounts of certain ingredients not meant to be processed by your body.  Check here for natural remedies!


What makes something nutritious? Which parts of a food’s makeup are responsible for doing what? How do you know if your body is lacking a certain nutrient? Which foods contain what types of nutrients? If you’re curious about the vitamins & minerals that come from our food and how the body uses them, check this page out for more details!


Making the switch – if you’re gonna stop eating unhealthy foods, then what DO you eat? What about all your favourite recipes? Chuck them out? or can they be modified? Click this page to find nutritious food and ingredient replacements.


You may be realizing that it’s not just food that matters. What about chemicals in body care products? What are harmful cleaning detergents doing to the environment?  What about the health of your mind & spirit, should that be important?  Or maybe it’s time to include exercise in your weekly routine… Go to this page for suggestions on what kind of changes you can make.


For TONS of information on all things health-related, check out the many posts available here. Featuring many useful websites, links to relevant topics and sources of information if you want to dig deeper into details. Join the conversation by adding your comments, suggestions and questions!


For local and global events, check out these calendars! The main Event calendar keeps you informed on upcoming health-related national and international occasions. In the Okanagan, find out “what’s happening” or add your own event anytime on the Okanagan Calendar. Got an event you want to promote outside of the Okanagan? Click here to submit your details!

My Mission:

What’s this site all about and where did this information come from? Learn about how food nourishes your body and how your choices can make you feel good or sick.  Get all sides of the story according to a variety of experts.  Learn what you need to know so you can make informed decisions about your health and adjust your lifestyle for quality of life. Find out why this site can become your “one-stop, no-nonsense, go-to guide” for better health!


Your health & wellness is the most important thing in your life.  If you’re not healthy, you’re sick; whether it’s a minor condition or a serious ailment.  You don’t feel very carefree about going out and enjoying life when you constantly have to deal with your health issue to get through the day.

This website is dedicated to helping you feel empowered by having access to as much information as possible that will allow you to make the best practical decisions for a better life.  Since complete health includes your emotional, psychological and spiritual self, you will find resources here to help guide you in the right direction to deal with your specific needs.

As well as providing you with as much knowledge and resources as possible, I also want to make it easy for you to obtain wholistic services and products that you might find helpful. To do this, I have established relationships with the providers that supply convenient links you may wish to click on. I may receive commissions based on clicks or sales of these products or services. There is NEVER any cost for you to click on a link to check something out. You may or may not decide to purchase an item or service from the vendor at your discretion. It’s entirely up to you. My mission is to be a “health promoter” by advertising wholistic products that can potentially improve people’s health & wellness.

I also welcome your feedback regarding your purchases. It’s always nice to hear about someone’s first-hand experience with a product or service and how it has impacted their life. But remember too that “one size does NOT fit all” and what might work for one person may not work for another.