YMCA Choose to Move

/, Lifestyle, Okanagan, BC/YMCA Choose to Move

YMCA Choose to Move

YMCA of Okanagan. Health and Fitness. Your health is our bottom line.

Are you over the age of 65, physically inactive and living with a chronic condition? Do you want to learn how to build physical activity into your lifestyle to support your health and over all well-being? Are you interested in meeting new people and being part of a safe and supportive community?

If you’re not already a member of the YMCA and your Doctor says it’s OK, here’s a great opportunity to get your life back on track! This a free, 6 month program guided by professionals and personalized to your abilities, interests and goals. Call 250-491-9622 Ext. 234 to learn more and register.


By |2018-05-30T15:42:40-07:00May 25th, 2018|Ailments, Lifestyle, Okanagan, BC|Comments Off on YMCA Choose to Move