
/Tag: Cancer

The Truth About Cancer – Part 3

"Cancer-Killing Viruses, Cancer Stem Cells, GMO's, Juicing & Eating the Rainbow" To re-iterate the message from the previous 2 episodes, Chemotherapy & standard therapies have no effect on cancer stem cells, rather, the cancer just metastasizes and regrows stronger and more resistant against standard treatments. many natural products available from Mother Nature contain anti-cancer compounds that target cancer stem cells Turmeric Resveratrol Green Tea Catechins Berberin controls insulin Flavonols turn off inflammation & initiate apoptosis (the process where cancer cells commit suicide) they ONLY kill cancer cells while making our healthy cells stonger stop inflammation and you stop cancer Wheat Grass (4-8oz/day) Raw Vegetable/Fruit juicing: people have actually expelled tumours from their bodies after a 5 day juice fast: the juice starts working in your [...]

By |2017-06-23T21:10:12-07:00June 23rd, 2017|Diseases, Food, Miscellaneous, Politics|0 Comments

The Truth About Cancer – Part 2

"Cancer Facts & Fictions, Breast Cancer, Hormones, Skin Cancer & Essential Oils" Here are my notes from watching this episode: 70% of the immune system is in the digestive tract Cancer cells never die: they multiply & invade our organs.  This is called metastasis which is the spreading of cancer due to compromised immune systems. 18% of cancer is caused by infection cancer is NOT genetic.  You need to deal with "epigenetics" (the software controls the hardware) we can change our gene expression by what we eat mammograms cause breast cancer by exposing the breast to radiation over 1.3 million women were over-diagnosed with breast cancer from mammograms Thermography is a great option for breast-cancer detection without the health risks of mammograms for more info [...]

The Truth About Cancer – Part 1

I started watching this 9 part series by Ty Bollinger and found it to be incredibly informative about the whole cancer business.  Back in 1998, a friend of mine expressed her opinion that the government really didn't want to find a cure for cancer.  I thought that was insane!  What do you mean they don't want to find a cure for this terrible disease that is devastating so many lives?  It made no sense that all the money going into research every year was not dedicated to finding some miracle cure.  How naive I was...  But my friend's statement had planted a seed in the back of my mind that got me thinking, questioning and learning about cancer, illnesses in general and the body's amazing [...]

By |2017-06-13T18:50:37-07:00June 13th, 2017|Diseases, Food, Miscellaneous, Politics|0 Comments

Eating You Alive™

Are you or someone you love struggling with your health? Are you tired of constantly visiting the Doctor and/or hospital? Do you want to experience Quality of Life? Despite countless dollars spent on medical research, new drugs and innovative technology to improve our health, more Americans are disabled and dying from chronic disease than ever before. Featuring leading medical experts and researchers, Eating You Alive takes a scientific look at the reasons we’re so sick, who’s responsible for feeding us the wrong information and how we can use whole-food, plant-based nutrition to take control of our health—one bite at a time. This informative documentary will be presented by CHIP (Complete Health Improvement Program) on Tuesday, September 19th at 7PM at the Kelowna Lifestyle Center, 1130 Springfield Road.  Mark [...]

By |2017-04-21T20:58:08-07:00April 20th, 2017|0 Comments

Brain Cancer

In light of Gordon Downie's (lead singer of The Tragically Hip) diagnosis as revealed in May 2016, I'd like to suggest to anyone with this cancer to watch "The Blue Butterfly" for hope and inspiration, and be prepared for the possibility of a long and healthy life... Click here for David Marenger's true story: I would also advise following the dietary recommendations on this site for cancer as well since there have been some amazing results by following a Ketogenic Diet. Most of us are familiar with the expression "mind over matter" but dismiss it as wishful thinking.  Wrong! It is really often miraculous the things our mind can accomplish if we use it in a positive way.  It's so much easier to be [...]

By |2017-04-07T19:11:53-07:00May 26th, 2016|Diseases|0 Comments

T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies

Are you interested in an education in the field of health and nutrition?  Or are you looking to further your knowledge to help yourself and others using information based on years of experiments and studies? You need to know the truth about food and why eating the right way can save your life T. Colin Campbell, PhD Co-Author of The China Study Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Biochemistry at Cornell University Dr. Campbell's expertise and scientific interests encompass relationships between diet and diseases, particularly the causation of cancer. He has focused on nutritional status and long term health. Surprisingly, Campbell started his life on a dairy farm, but is now widely-known for researching links between animal-based protein diets and disease. Food. Science. Health. Source: T. Colin [...]

By |2017-04-03T23:12:18-07:00May 18th, 2016|Diseases, Education, Food|0 Comments


I highly recommend you use these services if you've been diagnosed with cancer.  This an excellent well-rounded program that will help you deal and fight the disease on all fronts.  Website also contains tons of healthy cancer-fighting recipes. Our goal is simple – to provide the best care possible for people living with a diagnosis of cancer, and we will work together with you, your family doctor and oncologist.  All our services, programs and classes are complete free of charge.  No referral is required. Our Clinical Services are provided by a team of physicians, nutritionists, clinical counsellors and exercise therapists. We have experience providing guidance on healthful diet changes, stress reduction and emotional counseling, decision making, exercise, and personal coaching. Source: Home - InspireHealth

By |2017-04-04T00:42:50-07:00May 16th, 2016|Health Care Services|0 Comments

“The China Study” book

Written by a "meat & potatoes" kind of guy (like most of us) who was raised on a dairy farm.  Here is what he learned after conducting years and years of government-funded research: This is a wonderful book, easy to read and understand, which has changed my perception of food in the world we live in today.  A lot of the information on this website is based on the facts in this book.  It should be a must-read for everyone who wants to be healthy! Source: The China Study | BenBella Vegan

By |2017-04-04T00:54:25-07:00May 12th, 2016|Diseases, Literature|0 Comments