
16 04, 2020

Censorship & Media Manipulation

By |2020-04-16T17:35:05-07:00April 16th, 2020|Miscellaneous|0 Comments

Land of the Free? The "free" world is becoming a scary place. Most of us lucky to have been born in "civilized," democratic countries can't even fathom a life of oppression, controlled by authoritarian entities called "governments" and "organizations." But the freedom of individuals is being threatened by a health-driven smokescreen that has been successfully blinding the populations of our so-called democratic countries. Who's Really in Charge? Communication is what creates awareness. What is communicated, however, can be anything, not necessarily the truth. Whoever can communicate with millions of people almost instantaneously and at the same time holds incredible power. It is just as easy to communicate a lie as it is to communicate a truth. We want to believe that the communications we receive [...]

27 02, 2020


By |2020-03-05T14:56:08-08:00February 27th, 2020|Diseases, Miscellaneous|0 Comments

Coronavirus There are 7 types of coronaviruses that have been infecting people for ages. Governments started identifying them in the 1960's. Covid-19 is the latest strain and highly infectious. Because the incubation period can take up to 24 days before showing symtoms, the ability for the disease to spread is magnified because contagious people can infect so many others before ever realizing that they are sick. Flu Viruses can be Overcome by Strong Immune Systems Like most other flu viruses, affected people will feel under the weather; we cough, sneeze, have fevers, chills, muscle aches, headaches etc. We take medicines (natural or not), we rest, we recuperate. As this is a new strain, we don't have natural antibodies to combat it. People with strong immune [...]

12 02, 2019

Canada Food Guide: New & Improved

By |2019-02-15T08:32:19-08:00February 12th, 2019|Alternatives, Food, Government, Nutrients|0 Comments

The Best Food Guide so far... I am so pleased with the new Canada Food Guide! Congratulations to all Canadians who participated in the surveys that were provided! These surveys collected the feedback used to create a much more accurate example of what healthy eating should be. It is REALLY encouraging to see that so many people are realizing the importance of increasing their plant-based diets! No mention of Organic & Non-GMO plants in Canada Food Guide Now, we need the government to take steps to improve the quality of those plants. Only pesticide-free, organic plants are truly healthy to eat. In other words, GMO plants (plants genetically implanted with genes that make them resistant to herbicides & pesticides) AND the use of these poisons on [...]

25 05, 2018

YMCA Choose to Move

By |2018-05-30T15:42:40-07:00May 25th, 2018|Ailments, Lifestyle, Okanagan, BC|Comments Off on YMCA Choose to Move

YMCA of Okanagan. Health and Fitness. Your health is our bottom line. Are you over the age of 65, physically inactive and living with a chronic condition? Do you want to learn how to build physical activity into your lifestyle to support your health and over all well-being? Are you interested in meeting new people and being part of a safe and supportive community? If you're not already a member of the YMCA and your Doctor says it's OK, here's a great opportunity to get your life back on track! This a free, 6 month program guided by professionals and personalized to your abilities, interests and goals. Call 250-491-9622 Ext. 234 to learn more and register.

6 02, 2018

Functional Medicine: Looking for Root Causes

By |2019-02-15T12:15:44-08:00February 6th, 2018|Ailments, Diseases, Health Care Services, Lifestyle, Nutrients|0 Comments

What is "Functional Medicine"? It's the most comprehensive type of health care! Why? Because the doctors who practice Functional Medicine treat each person as an individual. Forget about "one size fits all"! Whatever your condition, these Doctors will take the steps necessary to figure out the root cause of your problem. And once they find the cause(s), treatment will include dietary adjustments best suited for your genetic makeup. Since nutrition plays a big part in everyone's health, what can YOU do to help figure out your Ailment? Functional Medicine is a wonderful hybrid! Functional Medicine is Naturopathic medicine combined with the latest scientific research. But this is not a new concept; it was created by Jeffery Bland, M.D., in 1990. It is based on the theory that [...]

23 06, 2017

The Truth About Cancer – Part 3

By |2017-06-23T21:10:12-07:00June 23rd, 2017|Diseases, Food, Miscellaneous, Politics|0 Comments

"Cancer-Killing Viruses, Cancer Stem Cells, GMO's, Juicing & Eating the Rainbow" To re-iterate the message from the previous 2 episodes, Chemotherapy & standard therapies have no effect on cancer stem cells, rather, the cancer just metastasizes and regrows stronger and more resistant against standard treatments. many natural products available from Mother Nature contain anti-cancer compounds that target cancer stem cells Turmeric Resveratrol Green Tea Catechins Berberin controls insulin Flavonols turn off inflammation & initiate apoptosis (the process where cancer cells commit suicide) they ONLY kill cancer cells while making our healthy cells stonger stop inflammation and you stop cancer Wheat Grass (4-8oz/day) Raw Vegetable/Fruit juicing: people have actually expelled tumours from their bodies after a 5 day juice fast: the juice starts working in your [...]

23 06, 2017

Multiple Sclerosis

By |2017-06-23T01:14:40-07:00June 23rd, 2017|Diseases, Miscellaneous|0 Comments

Medical marijuana can ease symptoms like spasticity, related pain & frequent urination. If you'd like to do more that just ease your pain, read here to find out how switching to a whole food, plant-based diet helped this Doctor, who suffered from MS, recover from this ailment which required the use of a cane, to running a marathon 7 years later:

22 06, 2017

Canada’s Food Guide

By |2017-06-22T21:12:14-07:00June 22nd, 2017|Education, Food, Government, Miscellaneous|0 Comments

Phase 2 of Health Canada's project to update the Canada Food Guide has begun.  Did you even know there was a Phase 1 last fall?  I remember filling that one out and only know about this one because of a health-related newsletter I get in my inbox.  Only 20,000 Canadians participated in the last survey.  How many people live in Canada?  No doubt the lack of participation is the same thing that plagues any issue that requires voting (like government elections) and that's apathy; an unfortunate side-effect of democracy.  But I suspect another reason for lack of input from Canadians here is simply lack of communication.  I don't think most people were even aware that this is taking place.  Important projects like this that can [...]

14 06, 2017

Live and Dry Blood Analysis for Optimal Health

By |2017-06-14T22:40:34-07:00June 14th, 2017|Animal Welfare, Diseases, Food, June, Nutritionists, Okanagan, BC|Comments Off on Live and Dry Blood Analysis for Optimal Health

June 14th is "World Blood Type Awareness Day".  Do you know your blood type?  Have you ever thought about a possible correlation between your blood type and your state of health?  How certain foods may be beneficial while others may be detrimental to your health, depending on your blood type? The idea of getting my blood analyzed to find out what was going on in my cells and to get professional advice on how I needed to change my diet to get my system balanced definitely appealed to me.  So I got a blood typing & analysis done by Lorraine and now know what is going on in my body and what I should do about it.  It only makes sense to deal with your [...]

13 06, 2017

The Truth About Cancer – Part 2

By |2017-06-13T20:22:26-07:00June 13th, 2017|Diseases, Food, Health Care Services, Miscellaneous, Okanagan, BC, Politics|0 Comments

"Cancer Facts & Fictions, Breast Cancer, Hormones, Skin Cancer & Essential Oils" Here are my notes from watching this episode: 70% of the immune system is in the digestive tract Cancer cells never die: they multiply & invade our organs.  This is called metastasis which is the spreading of cancer due to compromised immune systems. 18% of cancer is caused by infection cancer is NOT genetic.  You need to deal with "epigenetics" (the software controls the hardware) we can change our gene expression by what we eat mammograms cause breast cancer by exposing the breast to radiation over 1.3 million women were over-diagnosed with breast cancer from mammograms Thermography is a great option for breast-cancer detection without the health risks of mammograms for more info [...]

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