Stuff Worth Reading

If you’re looking to broaden your horizons, nothing beats reading a good book or an editorial that doesn’t repeat the same headlines over and over again!

NewspapersNewspapers Worth Reading

These days, it’s hard to determine how much of what you’re reading is true. And even if it is, what aren’t they telling you? At the end of an article, do you end up with more questions than answers? Most of the mainstream media outlets (TV & Newspapers) in North America are owned by the same half dozen Big Wigs who also own Pharmaceutical companies. These bigwigs actually dictate what they will allow reporters to talk about and what to say. If you’re starting to feel a little manipulated by the media, it’s time to read some alternative editorials.

Uncensored News:

  • So, if you REALLY want to know what’s going on, The New Agora is a FREE (are you?) paper available at various locations and online. Do you want to be like sheep in a herd and just follow blindly because people in power would NEVER lie to you? Or should you do some homework, look behind the scenes, check out the fine print and read between the lines…?  And if browsing online is your preferred reading method, here’s their site: The New Agora

Magazines Worth ReadingMagazines

  • Is flipping through a magazine more your “cup of tea” for reading? Do you want some good, healthful advice? Then “Alive” magazine is worth the read and never a waste of money since it’s FREE. It’s “Canada’s Natural Health & Wellness Magazine”, available at most health food stores. There’s lots of great advice, tons of pictures and plenty of recipes in each edition, whether you’re vegan, vegetarian or still a meat-eater. And, of course, you can read their stuff online if that’s what you prefer: Alive Magazine

Books Worth ReadingBooks

Many books are available in a digital format these days but, hopefully, hard (and soft) cover copies will never go out of style. The following are books worth reading that will definitely open your eyes in many directions. Very informative!

Is Cancer a topic you’d like to learn more about without a bunch of complicated scientific mumbo jumbo? This book is a plain english cancer bible – a must-read!

  • “The China Study” by T. Colin Campbell, PhD & Thomas M. Campbell II, MD (2006).  This book is written in such a way that makes reading easy for those of us not familiar with medical terminology.  These factual, government-funded, scientific studies were performed mostly in Asia over dozens of years. Don’t let the word “China” confuse you about its relevance in North America. The findings are relevant if you’re a human being, regardless of geography or race.

Ground-Breaking Results:

The results from The China Study were revealing and ground-breaking. But not what the government wanted to hear, so the information went “underground”.  It became a secret known only to very few in medical and scientific circles – until the Drs. Campbell wrote this book.  If you only read one book in your life, this should be it! Also, check out his website Center for Nutrition Studies where you can learn just about every thing to do with health. You can even take courses for Certificates and get Credits for Continuing Education in the field of nutrition.

Want to learn more about how your health, happiness and animals are all pieces of the same puzzle?

  • “Quantum Wellness: a Practical and Spiritual guide to Health and Happiness” by Kathy Freston (2008). If you like reading, this is one of many inspirational books written by this author. She will open your eyes to a different reality. Let her gently guide you to make worthwhile changes that will benefit your health and make this world a better place. Check out her site Kathy Freston for more books and advice.

Learn more about large-scale animal feedlots:

Are you contemplating becoming vegetarian or vegan? Do you need more information to better understand the reasons why you should make such a drastic change in your life? Kathy has a way of explaining the facts of the matter without pressure or preaching.

Do you have a fickle digestive system? Well, this lady is the poster child for overcoming and adapting to dietary obstacles. If she can do it, you can too!

  • “Vegan Vitality: your complete guide to an active, healthy, plant-based lifestyle” by Karina Inkster, MA, PTS (2014). If you think you have food sensitivities, read Karina’s story. And if you’re wondering how you could function without meat in your life, reading this book will answer all your questions.

Food Sensitivities

Karina is a Certified Personal Training Specialist who deals with a life-threatening condition which she has learned to live with as a vegan and a fitness buff.  The health challenges she overcomes everyday is quite astounding and inspirational for anyone who wants to be healthy and live life to the fullest.  The book also includes over a hundred recipes.

Spirituality and Self-EmpowermentSpirituality

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne is only a secret because so many people are not aware of this! The power you have inside of you to change and improve your life is endless! Perception and attitude are everything! This little gem of a book is something you should read over and over again for the rest of your life! If you’re looking for inspiration, positive mantras and practical guidance, check this book out!

More good reads…

  • “Fat Wars: Action Planner” by Brad J. King (2003).  This is one of Brad King’s books that do a good job of explaining how the human body processes the nutrients it receives and why fat is created the way it is.  Once you understand the “how & why”, it makes it easier to deal with your weight challenges by making the necessary adjustments to your diet. Check out Brad King’s Facebook Page
  • “The End of Pain: How Nutrition and Diet can fight Chronic Inflammatory Disease” by Jacqueline Lagacé, PhD (2014).  This Doctor describes her own personal experience with this pain which led her to try the “Hypotoxic Diet” created by Dr. Jean Signalet.  Reading someone’s true story always adds a certain level of credibility and possibility that you might be able to relate first-hand. The amazing results led her to write this book which is a “must read” for anyone suffering from any type of chronic pain.
  • “50 Ways to Lower Your Cholesterol” by Mary P. McGowan, M.D. and Jo McGowan Chopra (2002). This book is worth reading if you’re already taking medications or contemplating doing so.  Lots of good information in here about adjusting your diet to improve your cholesterol levels. And it also includes details about a variety of drugs used to treat cholesterol conditions.  Each drug listed contains advice about the effect, dosage, side-effects, follow-ups and precautions.  So it’s a good reference guide for anyone with cholesterol issues.