Everyone can improve their diet by making gradual changes…

Many people are very resistant and reluctant to make changes in their diet.  You will discover as you read through the website that vegetarian and vegan diets are being recommended.  You will also notice that animal foods are also listed throughout as a source of nutrients, which is a matter of fact.  They should not be your first choice as there are plenty of plant-based options that supply superior quality nutritional value.  But even if “going vegan” is not on your “to do” list, keep in mind that even cutting back on your consumption of animal proteins and switching to organic, humane, grass-fed and free range versions are not only better for the animals’ welfare but healthier for yourself as well.

You don’t need to take my word for this…

I highly recommend that you read “The China Study” written by a highly respected Doctor who’s life began as an average North American farm boy raised on meat and potatoes.  He went on to become a prominent Doctor of Philosophy who was entrusted to conduct dozens of health-related studies for decades using millions of dollars of government funding to help improve various health issues in asian countries.  The findings were consistent and conclusive but NOT the answer the government was looking for.  So these revelations have quietly remained unpublished and unannounced to the general public in the hopes that they remain a quiet secret.  To this day, governments don’t want the public to know what was discovered because of the potential negative consequences to the animal food industry and “Big Pharma”.  But Dr. Campbell decided to write a book about his findings.  It is user-friendly for the average “Joe” like you and me to read & understand and once you read it, there is no turning back.  You can choose to ignore the information, but you can’t deny it.

Here are some points of resistance people experience when contemplating a change of diet:

  1. Q:  I’ve been eating this way my whole life and I’m still fine, or was fine until recently, so why change anything now?

    A:  The body is an amazing, resilient machine that does its best to keep the engine running most efficiently for as long as possible.  But over time, the accumulation of toxins and lack of nutrients will manifest themselves through symptoms of illness or disease.

  2. Q:  If there was something wrong with my diet, my doctor would have said something by now.  But my doctor has never mentioned food in relation to any of my ailments.  Don’t Doctors know best?

    1. A:  Doctors barely get any training in the relevance of nutrition with relation to people’s health (less than 20 classroom hours over a 4 year period).  And whatever training they do get is specific to courses on biochemistry, physiology and pharmacology, but not relative to public health problems.  So they are not in a position to give you sage advice in this field.  How healthy does your doctor appear to be?
  3. Q:  Why should I give up my favourite foods when I can just take a magic pill my doctor prescribes me to make the discomfort go away?

    1. A:  These magic pills contain chemicals that mask the symptoms of your condition without dealing with the cause.  So, you are fooled into believing the problem is under control when it’s likely getting worse.  Only now, it is also being aggravated by the side effects caused by the drug you have become dependant on.  Have you seen a TV commercial lately (every second commercial on some stations), pushing some wonder drug, just before listing the 10 to 20 possible side effects, including death?)
  4. Q: All the media advertising keeps telling me that meat and milk are not only healthy, but also necessary for good health.  Media doesn’t lie; should’nt I be able to trust what I read and hear on the news?

    1. A:  Unfortunately, the answer is No.  What you see and hear on the news is often mis-informed and incorrect, not to mention influenced by institutions who have much to gain by marketing their products.  The farm animal industry has become a huge staple of the North American economy.  Governments are responsible for ensuring the country has a prosperous economy so, eliminating the breeding of animals for human consumption is not a task they are willing to take on when considering all the adversity and opposition they would have to face, even though animal consumption is slowly killing the country’s population.
  5. Q: What would happen to all the animal farmers across the country who rely on this industry to make a living?

    1. A: Land currently used to raise animals and feed for these animals could easily be converted for use to Cattle Farmingraise organic crops of grains, pulses and legumes to feed people instead.  Plant-based diets only require 1/3 the amount of land than a meat & dairy diet.  Currently, 16lbs of grain has to be fed to a cow to provide one person with one meal when that same amount could provide 10 people with enough food for an entire day.  Each cow produces 140 lbs of manure per day which seeps into waterways, killing fish and making people sick.  According to the Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: “livestock production is one of the major causes of the world’s most pressing environmental problems, including global warming, land degradation, air & water pollution and loss of biodiversity”. Go here to read many inspiring stories of feedlot farmers who transitioned away from animal slaughter to make a living and became champions of animal welfare & plant-based diets: True stories of former meat & dairy farmers
  6. Q: If prescription drugs are bad for me, why is my doctor always prescribing them and why are they the only approved type of medicine that is covered by my employee benefit or personal insurance plan?

    1. A:  As mentioned in question #2, doctors are not trained in the merits of nutrition.  If they were, most people would not be as sick or unhealthy as they are.  Healthy people don’t need the doctor’s services as often and pharma companies don’t make money when doctors don’t have sick people to prescribe drugs to.  Governments would have to deal with the financial fallout from too many healthy people who no longer eat meat and no longer need prescriptions to buy more drugs.  If people aren’t dying from incurable diseases, there’s no justification to provide funding for Big Pharma to keep formulating new drugs…can you see where this is going?  Healthy people just don’t make for good business.
  7. Q: Should I just throw away all my drugs and change my diet “cold turkey”?

    1. A:   Absolutely Not!!!  Each individual’s health profile is different and you should not alter your prescription without speaking to your doctor first!  What you should do is consult with either a Registered Wholistic Nurtritionist / Dietician / Naturopath or all of them to cover all the bases and find out what dietary changes they might recommend, as well as exercise, to slowly get your body functioning on all cylinders.  After a period of time, your doctor may recommend a lower dosage or less frequent use of the pills to potentially eliminating the need for them altogether.  But all this will take time and needs to be done gradually so as not to shock your system and cause further harm.   You must treat your health situation with “kid gloves”.
    2. Something many people don’t pay attention to but should is the “Black Box Warning” located on the printed drug information sheet you get from your pharmacist with the prescription.  It is the strongest warning required by the US Food & Drug Aministration to indicate that medical studies have shown the drug can have significant risk of serious or life-threatening side effects.  In other words, they can cause death!  Many people assume the drug is safe because the doctor prescribed it and the pharmacist provided it but that is not the case: you are taking your life into your own hands when you choose to take these drugs.  Ask your doctor if the drug being prescribed has a “black box warning” and if so, can they provide you with a safer alternative?
  8. Q: What else can I do to improve my health?

    1. A:  You’re already doing it!  By reading the information provided on this website, you are learning about how nutrition affects your health.  Knowledge is power.  You are now realizing that you can be proactive where your health is concerned.  You don’t have to be a helpless victim at the mercy of whatever disease might be ailing you.  Make the changes you have determined are necessary.  Take baby steps, do it slowly, give yourself time to adjust and see how you feel.

Our modern society now finds itself stuck in a vicious cycle of self-destruction – all in the name of money.  Never mind all the suffering and deaths, the sky-rocketing cost of health care, the lost quality of life as we approach our retirement years; too sick and disabled to enjoy the experience.  It’s all just collateral damage so big corporations can continue getting richer.  Unfortunately, the government is not looking out for your best interest.

So it’s up to you to look out for #1 – YOU!