


Use it or Lose it! You need to keep that body moving so it knows it's still alive.  If you don't, your body slowly deteriorates from lack of use, making you vulnerable to various ailments and injuries.  The main reward we look forward to when getting old and retiring is the ability to enjoy that new-found freedom.  Think of all the fun things you're finally going to get to do once you are no longer burdened by the strappings and restrictions that are part of having a job!  But do you want to spend those "senior" years dependent on drugs, doctors & hospitals within close proximity to keep you a few feet above the grave, while your lifelong, hard-earned savings are used to pay for [...]

By |2018-04-05T19:12:19-07:00January 19th, 2016|Lifestyle|Comments Off on Exercise


Daily, we are exposed to toxins It is impossible to avoid no matter how careful you are.  Certainly your exposure can be minimized as you become aware of all the harmful ingredients and chemicals rampant in our food, cosmetics & household items.  But unless you live life in a sterile bubble, you will be affected to some degree. Common Toxins include: Triclosan: found in cutting boards, fabrics, floor tiles, mops, paint, toys & wallpaper So it's a good idea to perform some body cleansing from time to time, the frequency required depends on your level of exposure, as per your determination.  There are several "Detox" products available at health food stores that involve different protocols to accomplish results and this is one option you can [...]

By |2018-04-05T18:20:50-07:00January 19th, 2016|Lifestyle|Comments Off on Detoxification


There are approximately 400 different active pesticide ingredients used in 7,600 different pesticide products registered for use in Canada and regulated by Health Canada, an institute filled with spin-doctors who cover up the truth. Look for EcoLogo labels that certify environment-friendly products Aminotriazole is a herbicide found on cranberry crops. Bisphenol A is a coating inside metal food cans, look for cans that state "Non-BPA lining" Fabrics: use 100% unbleached organic cotton, hemp, linen or wool. Flame Retardands: PDBE's (Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers) affect thyroid function Glyphosate (Monsanto's "Roundup"): GMO's are created to tolerate this herbicide and include: corn, soy, canola, wheat, barley & oats.  So be sure to choose "organic" when purchasing these items. The International Agency for Cancer Research (IARC) has confirmed that glyphosate [...]

By |2018-04-05T00:19:38-07:00January 18th, 2016|Lifestyle|Comments Off on Chemicals


Skipping Breakfast will cause you to gain weight... Always eat breakfast in the morning.  It should be your largest or second largest meal of the day.  You don't do yourself any favours by skipping breakfast as your body needs fuel to perform and depriving yourself of nourishment first thing in the morning causes your system to go into "starvation mode", meaning it gets a message to start storing fat in anticipation of a food "drought". A well-balanced breakfast should include: Carbohydrates: Fruit, Oats, Whole Grains but too many carbs will result in low energy levels Fibre: Freekeh, Fenugreek, Oatmeal Healthy fats: nuts, almond butter Protein: Tofu or any soy-based product, Nuts & Seeds, Quinoa, Sprouted Brown Rice, Vegetables, Freekeh, Greek Yogurt & organic Eggs

By |2018-04-05T00:10:57-07:00January 15th, 2016|Lifestyle|Comments Off on Breakfast