

Skin Conditions

Regardless of the skin condition you experience, you can narrow down the cause(s) by visiting a Naturopath Doctor who can administer tests to determine the culprits.  This is usually a process of elimination that can take time to discover but may be worth the effort to eliminate prolonged and aggravating discomfort. Eczema This a form of skin rash that manifests as a result of the following triggers: Dietary: dairy, eggs, fish, shellfish and gluten Industrial: solvents, fumes and soaps Seasonal & Environmental: pollen, dust mites and certain plants People with Celiac Disease are more prone to eczema This can be caused by a deficiency in producing the fatty acid GLA (gamma-linolenic acid) from Omega-6 sources Helpful Remedies: try topical creams containing the following herbs: Nettles [...]

By |2018-04-04T19:16:35-07:00March 21st, 2016|Ailments|Comments Off on Skin Conditions

Eye Health

Don't take your eyes for granted!  Consuming a varied diet containing the following nutrients will ensure you keep your eyes healthy: Lutein and Zeaxanthin are anti-oxidants that shield eyes from light damage and fend off cataracts & other age-related macular degeneration: found in green leafy vegetables like kale & spinach as well as orange and yellow fruits or vegetables Omega 3 helps relieve dry eyes by reducing inflammation: found in fish oils, salmon, walnuts, walnut oil, ground flaxseed, flax oil Vitamin A is found in eggs and colourful veggies like carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach and mangos Vitamin C is in citrus fruits, berries, cantaloupe, sweet potatoes, bell peppers, kale and broccoli Vitamin E protects eye cells from tissue-damaging free radicals: found in almonds, nuts, leafy [...]

By |2018-04-03T19:13:58-07:00March 21st, 2016|Ailments|Comments Off on Eye Health

Gastroesophageal Reflux

This condition can be triggered by the consumption of acidic foods as well as obesity, smoking, pregnancy, certain medications and hiatial hernia.  Other triggers include coffee, alcohol, chocolate, spicy & fatty foods and carbonated drinks. Acid suppressants lead to more health issues as stomach acid is necessary for the absorption of nutrients. Helpful remedies include: treat heartburn with dry extracts of dandelion, artichoke leaf, turmeric and rosemary to help with digestion and minimize damage to gastric tissues Melatonin may diminish symptoms and prevent gastric ulcers try demulcents like licorice, marshmellow and slippery elm to soothe the digestive tract consume probiotics contained in yogurt, kefir, tempeh and sauerkraut  

By |2018-04-03T20:13:16-07:00March 21st, 2016|Ailments|Comments Off on Gastroesophageal Reflux

Blood Pressure

Keep it down! cutting alcohol consumption causes an almost immediate reduction in blood pressure: Max. 2 drinks per day for men and 1 per day for women and smaller men; if you don't drink, even better. Increasing potassium in your diet may help reduce blood pressure by causing the blood vessels to widen and help the body excrete sodium, especially if you consume alot of salt (and even if you don't use table salt, you would be shocked to realize how much you consume everyday from pre-packaged and fast-food joints) Choose foods that have less than 200mg of sodium per serving (be sure to check their "serving size" on the label - because if serving size is "50 mg sodium per one tblsp" and you [...]

By |2018-03-29T22:34:46-07:00March 4th, 2016|Ailments|Comments Off on Blood Pressure

Autoimmune Diseases

You Can overcome Autoimmune Disorders! Much more info to come on this topic - Stay tuned! If you've been diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder, you need to start by removing the toxins that have accumulated in your fat and tissue stores that are causing the inflammatory reaction. Try following a Doctor-supervised water faste using only distilled or spring water: gradually discontinue medications and adopt a vegan diet long before the fast (7-10 days prior) consume 1 quart (950ml) of water per day for 7 to 24 days while minimizing all activities you will experience a remission from the disease as long as the vegan diet is maintained The "Hypotoxic Diet" may be worth a try due to astonishing results obtained by Dr. Seignalet's patients. Multiple [...]

By |2020-02-13T17:34:29-08:00March 3rd, 2016|Ailments|Comments Off on Autoimmune Diseases

Anxiety & Depression

Feeling Anxious? Hyperventilating? Having a Panic Attack? Breathe! Whatever the cause of your anxiety, a very quick and effective remedy is to BREATHE! Take several deep breaths... Inhale slowly... exhale slowly while focusing on positive, empowering thoughts... This will immediatly help calm you. When you feel stressed, you stop breathing. When you stop breathing, your body panics because it can't survive without oxygen. By focusing on your breath and thinking pleasant thoughts, you will immediately calm down enough to regain control of your situation. Then you can assess your options on how to deal with things from a more grounded and level-headed perspective. "These mountains that you're carrying, you were only supposed to climb." - Najwa Zebian Stress and Anxiety kind of go hand and [...]

By |2020-03-12T15:46:45-07:00March 1st, 2016|Ailments|Comments Off on Anxiety & Depression


A condition where blood cannot transport enough oxygen to meet the body's needs and causes low energy, fatigue on exertion and dizziness. This is caused by a deficiency in folate, iron and Vitamin B12.

By |2018-03-29T21:29:51-07:00March 1st, 2016|Ailments|Comments Off on Anemia


Adrenals produce cortisol, a hormone that helps the body respond to stress.  Low levels may lead to hypothyroidism.  People who don't consume enough fat may experience adrenal fatigue and a slow metabolism due to lack of essential fatty acids. Adaptogens are natural compounds in certain plants that increase the resistance of organisms to stress.  The following herbs can provide adrenal support: Cordyceps, Ginko Biloba, Licorice Root, Rhodiola, Korean & Siberian Ginseng

By |2018-03-29T20:55:31-07:00March 1st, 2016|Ailments|Comments Off on Adrenals


A 6% solution of acetic acid (the active ingredient in vinegar) kills tuberculosis A combination of vitamins A & D may help manage tuberculosis the myco-bacterial property of these 2 vitamins may prevent and cure TB with minimal chance of resistance or toxicity *Don't take "Aged Garlic Extract" if you are on a prescription for "Isoniazid" which is an antibiotic used for Tuberculosis

By |2018-04-04T20:13:35-07:00January 28th, 2016|Ailments|Comments Off on Tuberculosis