Avoid Eating Contests!

Every year, people die during eating contests. Whether it’s from eating too many hot dogs or drinking too much water, people DIE! Find out more about Eating Contest Dangers. Clearly, all those involved think that our bodies are nothing more than trash cans with 2 legs. The human body, as resilient as it is (and usually taken for granted) is still a working machine. It needs proper care for proper functioning.  Force-feeding yourself at breakneck speed is only asking for trouble. Would you treat your vehicle that way by overfilling it with gas, antifreeze & oils? People treat their vehicles better than their own bodies!

Fast Foods are like a Placebo

The convenience of fast food has replaced the Nutrients in whole foods. Today’s attitude toward food is to make it as yummy-tasting as possible and stuff as much of it down our throats. Eating contests take this to another level. We eat the stuff cause it tastes good; so good we tend to eat more than we need to. But what’s our body getting from it? A placebo is like a fake pill. Our brain knows we put a pill in our mouth and expects it to do something. The power of the mind might actually convince us that it worked! Fast foods are like that. We are stuffing our bellies and our minds are happy to know we’ve just had a meal. But what did our organs get out of the deal? What happens to people’s organs in eating contests? If they don’t choke to death, they get an overload of salt, sugar, cholesterol, fat & whatever other foreign ingredients were in the food. But no nutrients. Nothing to fuel and repair the body to keep it functioning. How long would your vehicle run if you stopped adding the fluids it needs?

Restaurants & Organizers need to take responsibility

Eating should NEVER be a contest. Many restaurants are guilty of encouraging overeating by serving over-sized food plates. These gargantuan portions are actually equivalent to 2 or more meals!  Many places have promotional options encouraging people to eat one of their humongous 5 lb burgers in one sitting so you can get your next meal free as a reward!  NOBODY needs nor should eat such ridiculous amounts of food at one time (unless you’re a carnivorous animal of the four-legged type). Want more info on the Human Digestive System & Meat Consumption? Simply put, you are killing yourself slowly or quickly by doing this. Food providers who promote any type of food binging (aka eating contests) need to be educated on the real dangers to the public. Ignorance should not be an excuse. These types of promotional offers should just simply be banned.