“Cancer Facts & Fictions, Breast Cancer, Hormones, Skin Cancer & Essential Oils”
Here are my notes from watching this episode:
- 70% of the immune system is in the digestive tract
- Cancer cells never die: they multiply & invade our organs. This is called metastasis which is the spreading of cancer due to compromised immune systems.
- 18% of cancer is caused by infection
- cancer is NOT genetic. You need to deal with “epigenetics” (the software controls the hardware)
- we can change our gene expression by what we eat
- mammograms cause breast cancer by exposing the breast to radiation
- over 1.3 million women were over-diagnosed with breast cancer from mammograms
- Thermography is a great option for breast-cancer detection without the health risks of mammograms
- for more info on Thermography: http://breastthermography.com/
- there are two clinics in Kelowna that offer Thermography: http://www.oktherm.ca/ & http://www.thermographykelowna.com/
- Chemo and Sugar promote cancer growth – Avoid sugar as it feeds the cancer!
- Xeno-Estrogens like BPA (bisphenol A) are cancer-causing toxins
- Essential Oils can balance the hormones:
- Frankinsence & Sandalwood can kill cancer cells
- Myrh can clear the body of xeno-estrogens
- Devil’s Apple plant (BC-5) “Solasadin Glycoside” is broad-spectrum and works on all types of skin cancers and kills the cancer layer by layer
Mark Twain: “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled”
For more in-depth details about this cancer series, go to: http://www.cancertruth.net/#sthash.PhJL8Jjm.YT7vUYxR.dpbs
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