
November tips & events.

Low-Carb Experiment Results

Well, after a full month of ahering pretty stictly to my low-carb diet, I lost 3 lbs and 1" circumference around my posterior.  Considering I was probably consuming over 200+ carbs a day prior to the diet and spent a month consuming less that 50 carbs a day only to lose 1", I can't help but wonder what my body's been doing with all those extra carbs before, as I was not all that much more active... It's encouraging to see that some of the fat disappeared so I'm determined to keep this up as long as I see progress.  My goal for December is to not regain the fat as I will allow myself to enjoy some small indulgences of the season.  My plan [...]

By |2016-12-07T21:53:43-08:00December 7th, 2016|Food, Monthly Info., November|0 Comments

NHP Week: Nov. 7 – 13, 2016

This week is dedicated to celebrate the Natural Health Products that help keep millions of Canadian healthy without the harmful side-effects of pharmaceutical drugs.  As such, NHP sales cut into Big Pharma's profits.  Unbeknownst to most of us, we are only now finding out about a list of sneaky and detrimental changes being proposed by Health Canada as a result of lobbying by large pharmaceutical companies. Health Canada is Big Pharma's puppet to keep Canadians dependent on drugs.  If it ain't broke... our government should be expanding our access to natural products and encouraging its population to use natural, plant-based healing products to maintain and reclaim health.  Instead, they want to do the exact opposite after conducting a single, obscure consumer survey I never heard [...]

By |2016-11-16T02:14:00-08:00November 9th, 2016|Monthly Info., November, Politics, Supplements|0 Comments

My Low-Carb Vegetarian Experiment

I'm going to start off by explaining that I am a healthy, slim and fairly fit woman (although I should exercise more).  But like alot of women, I have some stubborn fat I've never been able to get rid of.  Unlike most women who usually deal with belly fat, my fat storage compartment resides in my derriere and has remained there for my entire adult life.  Nothing I've done has gotten rid of this useless fat. When I read about Ketosis almost 2 years ago, it sounded like the perfect solution to dissolve the fat.  However, all the Ketogenic cookbooks I've seen are written for meat eaters.  I did not want to deal with the hassle of reconfiguring recipes to suit my vegetarian lifestyle.  Finally, [...]

By |2016-11-16T02:14:42-08:00November 8th, 2016|Food, Monthly Info., November|0 Comments

November Health Tips

“Stop being a slave to bad eating habits that are making you sick! Choose instead to eat the foods that will nourish and heal your body” This is a good time to start practising better eating habits before the onslaught of holiday decadence. You have to re-learn how to eat and practice for some time before it becomes second nature. Start adopting healthy habits now, that you can keep as guidelines throughout the holidays and resume in the New Year ahead. Your body is constantly talking to you: start listening to it! If you choose to keep meat in your diet, start incorporating the mediterranean diet as part of your weekly menu: eat more fish and switch to olive oil Use herbs, spices or even [...]

By |2018-02-05T23:52:13-08:00November 1st, 2016|Miscellaneous, Monthly Info., November|0 Comments
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