Well, after a full month of ahering pretty stictly to my low-carb diet, I lost 3 lbs and 1″ circumference around my posterior.  Considering I was probably consuming over 200+ carbs a day prior to the diet and spent a month consuming less that 50 carbs a day only to lose 1″, I can’t help but wonder what my body’s been doing with all those extra carbs before, as I was not all that much more active…

It’s encouraging to see that some of the fat disappeared so I’m determined to keep this up as long as I see progress.  My goal for December is to not regain the fat as I will allow myself to enjoy some small indulgences of the season.  My plan is to continue cooking the low-carb meals each day but to also have small, limited treats that become available this time of year.  As a matter of fact, I am finally slowly treating myself to all the Halloween Chocolates I never got to eat after Oct. 31st!

In January, I will get back to exercising regularly and I think that will make a big difference.  As far as I’m concerned I can keep doing this all winter if need be.  I’ve also aquired a book called “500 Low-Carb Recipes” that talks about “Usable Carb Counts”.  This concept distinguishes between good carbs from fiber as opposed to bad carbs from starches and sugars.  Fiber doesn’t increase blood sugar so doesn’t cause insulin release.  You can’t digest or absorb fiber and it helps slow the absorption of starches and sugars.  My body definitely experienced the lack of fiber even though I added a fiber supplement midway through the month.  With the distinction of only reducing the carbs from sugars & starches, you can follow a low-carb diet while still reaping the benefits of required daily fiber.

My biggest fear this month is that those small treats I’m having will park themselves back onto the buttocks and I hope that won’t be the case!