Live and Dry Blood Analysis for Optimal Health

June 14th is "World Blood Type Awareness Day".  Do you know your blood type?  Have you ever thought about a possible correlation between your blood type and your state of health?  How certain foods may be beneficial while others may be detrimental to your health, depending on your blood type? The idea of getting my blood analyzed to find out what was going on in my cells and to get professional advice on how I needed to change my diet to get my system balanced definitely appealed to me.  So I got a blood typing & analysis done by Lorraine and now know what is going on in my body and what I should do about it.  It only makes sense to deal with your [...]

By |2017-06-14T22:40:34-07:00June 14th, 2017|Animal Welfare, Diseases, Food, June, Nutritionists, Okanagan, BC|Comments Off on Live and Dry Blood Analysis for Optimal Health

Health Care or Disease Management?

Join the Food Revolution! To reiterate what John Robbins & Ocean Robbins already stated on "The Food Revolution Network" website, our society now revolves around disease management, not Health Care.  But we can change that! There's a steady shift that is slowly but surely taking place in our world today. All you have to do is take over the driver's seat of your two-legged vehicle! On your own, you can maintain or reclaim your health which will provide you with quality of life. And collectively, choosing healthy foods over drugs will create the changes that need to take place on a global scale. We can create our own health care!  Don't be discouraged because you have NOTHING to lose except your health! Who do You [...]

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