Trip to Spain!

Trip to Spain!

This is a wonderful opportunity for any lady in the world who’d like to go on a trip with a group of new friends!  If you are female and want to go travelling but don’t have anyone to go with, two ladies in Kelowna called the “Travelling Grannies” have organized a custom trip to Spain with “GoAhead” tours, a reputable touring company that provides a multitude of tours all over the world.

This customized tour is an unusual and specialized route these two ladies have planned called the “The Best of Spain: Seville to Barcelona”. It includes 15 days of guided sightseeing, handpicked hotels, local cuisine and the company of a whole new group of lady friends!

I have never travelled before so this would be a checkmark on the bucket list for me!  BUT, we need at least 12 people to commit BEFORE Jan. 31/17 in order for the trip to be confirmed.  Plan B would be to participate in the standard “Grand Tour of Spain” already offered by GoAhead on Sept. 2/17.  We just need a few more ladies to confirm and our tour is a “Go”!

Details as follows:

Dates: Sept. 7/17 Arrive in Seville – Sept. 21/17 Depart from Barcelona

Cost of Tour: Group of 15: $4,349 Cdn ea (price goes down with # of people, so for max. 35 people, cost will be $3,599 ea – people can still join the tour until June, as long as we have 12 confirmed by Jan. 31/17).

Return Flight: Flight from Kelowna (BC, Canada) is $1,750 scheduled by GoAhead tours OR you can book your own return flight if you can find something cheaper

  • You can join the tour from anywhere in the world, you are responsible for scheduling your own flight
  • The only requirement is that you are a woman as this has been organized to cater to women who have no one to travel with

DEADLINE: Jan. 31/17: Call Charlotte at GoHead Tours 1-800-742-1731 and tell her you want to join the “Travelling Grannies” and provide group reference #64879532

  • a $450 deposit is required
  • the remainder can be paid in installments but all is due by June 2017
  • there’s an extra $600 charge if you don’t have a roommate so you can ask to be paired with someone to save $ if you wish

More info:

Who are the Travelling Grannies?  Two really cool ladies!:

Trip to Spain details:


By |2017-04-03T22:52:01-07:00January 24th, 2017|January, Miscellaneous, Monthly Info., Travel|0 Comments

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