


This converts excess calories into storable forms of fat.  It is secreted after eating to deposit blood sugar (glucose) and amino acids (protein) in the muscle.  It also synthesizes chemical proteins to build enzymes, hormones and muscle.

  • the more carbs you ingest, the more insulin you secrete
  • high insulin levels stimulate lipoprotein lipase (LPL) to store fat
  • high levels of insulin and LPL prevents the body from using stored fat as fuel


This a long chain glucose molecule composed of excess sugar from dietary carbs stored for future use in the liver and muscle.

  • muscle glycogen is used by the body as energy
  • liver glycogen is a back-up source of brain food
  • when muscle and liver glycogen tanks are full, sugar becomes body fat

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble hormone found in muscle, bone, immune & brain cells