Vitamin A

Vitamin AThis fat-soluble vitamin has a multitude of functions:

  • supports vision, skin health, the immune system and reproduction
  • promotes heart health & kidney function
  • prevents anemia, protects the body from free radical damage, may lower risk of cancer and heart disease

Beta Carotenes are anti-oxidants that convert to Vit. A

  • carotenoids become more bioavailable when cooked and consumed with fats like avocado, extra virgin olive oil, red palm oil or avocado oil
            • pureeing, sauteeing or roasting are recommended
            • Lycopene is a carotenoid found in tomatoes, watermelon, pink grapefruit and guava
  • this is beneficial in dealing with cancers like prostate, skin, breast, lung and liver

*Smokers should NOT take Beta Carotene supplements as the combination can increase the risk of lung cancer and heart disease

Dietary Sources:

  • 1 cup of sour cherries = 40% daily value of Vit. A
  • Arugula, Asparagus, Broccoli, Cantaloupe, Carrots, Chickpeas, Dandelion Greens, Fiddleheads, Parsley, Pumpkin Puree, Squash, Sweet Potatoes & Tomatoes
  • Fish Oil: helps prevent infections by influencing the activity of T & B Lymphocytes (white cells)

Vitamin B

Vitamin BThese are water-soluble which means the body doesn’t store them, so you need to replenish these every day.  Functions include:

  • maintaining the body’s metabolism and optimum function of enzymes on a cellular level
  • preventing anemia and provide energy
  • influencing moods
  • maintaining the central nervous system and stabilizing nerve cell membranes

High sources of Vitamin B include the following:

  • Arugula, Asparagus, Avocados, Bananas, Beef, Broccoli, Chicken, Dandelion Greens, Eggs, Legumes, Mushrooms, Nuts, Sweet Potatoes & Yogurt
  • Napa or Chinese cabbage is a good source of folate

Vitamin B12

This is required for red blood cell synthesis to prevent anemia

  • black beans are a good source

Vitamin C

Vitamin CThis anti-viral vitamin promotes a healthy immune system.  It’s also an antioxidant that produces collagen which promotes skin elasticity and healing.

In the late 1940’s, Dr. Frederick Robert Klenner, cured every patient he saw that suffered from Polio and Viral Pneumonia using high doses of Vitamin C: “When proper amounts are used, it will destroy all virus organisms”

  • found in Arugula, Asparagus, Bell Peppers, Cauliflower, Citrus, Dandelion Greens & Fiddleheads, Kiwi, Parsley, Pineapple, Savoy Cabbage, Strawberries
  • Ascorbic Acid is the best form of supplemental Vit. C: take 1,000 mg daily to prevent colds

Vitamin D

Vitamin DThese are fat soluble hormones that are found in every tissue of the body such as muscles, bones, immune cells & brain cells.  Functions include the following:

  • manages our calcium levels, ensuring that calcium & phospherous are absorbed to help strengthen bones & teeth and circulate through the blood & digestive tract in adequate amounts
  • it facilitates cell to cell communication, fights infection, helps the heart, lungs and brain to develop and function at their best
  • helps prevent & fight cancer and Multiple Sclerosis by activating T-cells which help our immune system respond quickly to unwanted invaders: it stops abnormal cell growth & promotes death in cancer cells
  • great for muscles, nerves and immune system
  • helps fight SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) – 40% of us don’t get enough Vit. D in the winter
  • we need levels between 100 & 150 nmol/L for breast cancer prevention as it may help cells stick close together & discourage rapid cell division (cancer)
  • also lowers risk of Type 1 & 2 Diabetes, high blood pressure, depression & Alzeihmer’s
  • 1,000 IU per day helps achieve ideal blood levels
  • stimulates production of cathelicidin, a protein with natural antibiotic properties

Vitamin D2

This is made in plants

Vitamin D3

This is made when cholesterol in our skin reacts with sunlight.  Canadians should supplement with D3 from Sept till March

  • take with food or on an empty stomach
  • take with dinner instead of breakfast in any form you prefer

Deficiency of Vit. D may cause the following symtoms:

  • your body will dip into calcium stores, making bones weaker and increasing risk of osteoporosis & fractures
  • Chronic back pain
  • inflammation
  • anemia
  • those with breast cancer should increase Vit. D levels to 40,000 IU per day in the short term to boost levels
  • more severe strokes

Sources of Vit. D:

  • Sun’s UVB rays causes the skin cells to make Vit. D in 10-15 min.
    • the more skin exposure, the more Vit. D is made
    • light skin makes D in 15 min while dark skin can take up to 2 hrs
    • skin makes more D at midday
    • more Vit. D is produced by those living closer to the equator
  • Salmon, Tuna, Egg Yolk and fortified foods like milk & orange juice

Vitamin D Blood Test:

  • ask specifically for a 25-hydroxy Vit. D (25(OH)D) Test to provide your total Vit. D level from diet as well as sun exposure
  • ideal level is at least 75 nmol/L for general health
  • for cancer prevention, need levels between 90 & 120 nmol/L

Vitamin E

Vitamin EWorks with Selenium to protect skin from free-radical damage and includes the following functions:

  • is an antioxidant and protects cell walls
  • helps widen blood vessels to bring oxygen and nutrients to the skin
  • slows aging

Food sources:

  • found in Almonds, Asparagus, Avocado, Dandelion Greens, Spinach, Sunflower Seeds and Wheat Germ
  • use supplements containing less than 200 IU per day for good health

Vitamin K

Vitamin KThis consists of a group of fat-soluble vitamins required for the following processes:

  • blood coagulation
  • controls a protein called Matrix GLA responsible for protecting soft tissues like blood vessel walls and preventing excess calcium from being deposited
  • liver health
  • helps limit neuron damage in the brain
  • carboxylation which activates proteins important for bone mineralization
  • helps protect against prostate cancer

Sources of Vit K:

  • found in Arugula, Asparagus, Dandelion Greens, Green Cabbage, Green Leafy Vegetables, Parsley, Natto (fermented whole soybeans)

Vitamin K2

MK-4 (a form of K2) reduces fracture risks, stops & reverses bone loss (called menatetrenone)