This includes abdominal obesity, cardiovascular disease and high-fasting blood sugar that increases risk of Type 2 Diabetes.  Weight loss is critical to prevent this condition from evolving into even more dangerous health issues.  Changing your diet as per the recommendations in this website will accomplish this.

Some helpful supplements to aid with weight reduction include:

  • combine Garcinia Cambogia, Camellina Sinensis, Coffea Arabica & Lagerstromia Speciosa to support weight loss before energy-restricted meals
  • 600mg of elemental calcium & 125 IU of Vit. D3 while on an energy-restricted diet helps with fat loss
  • the amino acid L-Carnitine helps reduce fasting-induced fatigue, hunger and metabolic abnormalities when following a corrective diet
  • supplement with prebiotics and probiotics
  • take 150 mg/day of Pycnogenol (maritime pine bark extract)